Giant Banyan Tree


THE GIANT BANYAN TREE, SAID TO BE ONE OF THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD, IS A GREAT EXPERIENCE. THE NATURAL SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT AND UNDISTURBED ECOSYSTEM MAKE IT HARD TO BELIEVE YOUR EYES IN THIS MAGICAL PLACE WHERE THE MYSTERY OF TIME HAS BEEN CAPTURED IN THIS UNIQUE PLACE. The Giant Banyan Tree is located in the nearby villages of Leitouapam. It is owned by the community. The tree is easy to reach and is only a short walk from the village. A 10 minute drive from the main town of Lenakel will start you on your discovery tour. The tree covers an area of over 200 metres, growing more than 100 metres across and 80 metres high. It is growing rapidly to the north and east and producing extensive new root structures. The aerial roots make it easy to climb. It is hard to know the age of this amazing tree, but stories say it was big long before Captain Cook arrived in 1774.

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